dinsdag, oktober 10, 2006


Voor het eerst is er een filmpje opgedoken waaruit blijkt hoe groot de schade aan gebouw WTC7 was. Complotdenkers beweren nog altijd dat er niets aan de hand is geweest, afgezien van een paar kleine brandjes.


At 8:49 a.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Nieuwe video over de vernietiging van WTC7.

"it's blowin' boy"
"did you hear that?"
"keep your eye on that building, it will be coming down soon"

"the building is about to blow up, move it back."

"we're walking back 'cause this building is about to blow up"

""We were watching the building [WTC7] actually ‘cause it was on fire… the bottom floors of the building were on fire and… we heard this sound that sounded like a clap of thunder… turned around -- we were shocked to see that the building was ah well it looked like there was a shockwave ripping through the building and the windows all busted out… it was horrifying… about a second later the bottom floor caved out and the building followed after that… we saw the building crash down all the way to the ground… we were in shock."
Live 9/11 verslag van 1010 WINS NYC News Radio

At 9:17 a.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ben benieuwd Billy, erken je het bestaan van Operatie Gladio?

At 3:05 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

De brandweer heeft tav WTC7 verklaard dat het gebouw op instorten stond, en dat je dat vooraf ook kon horen/zien.

At 5:41 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

blow up

1. To come into being: A storm blew up.
2. To fill with air; inflate: blow up a tire.
3. To enlarge (a photographic image or print).
4. To explode: bombs blowing up.
5. To lose one's temper.


1. To fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.
2. To break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function: a monarchy that collapsed.
3. To fold compactly.

Maar wat weten die Amerikanen nou van de Engelse taal. Wat zijn het toch een domkoppen. Zeggen ze 'opblazen' bedoelen ze 'instorten'. Die explosie die je op de achtergrond hoort zal er ook wel later in gemonteerd zijn.

well it looked like there was a shockwave ripping through the building and the windows all busted out… it was horrifying… about a second later the bottom floor caved out and the building followed after that…

Een seconde na de klap volgde de instorting. Maar hij zal zich ook wel vergist hebben.

Wat een stommerds zijn die Amerikanen toch. Gelukkig zijn hier op de site een stel nuchtere Hollanders die al deze uitspraken keihard ontkennen...uh...weerleggen.

Ik durf te wedden dat als je de betreffende persoon opspoort en vraagt wat ie precies bedoelde dat ie zal vertellen dat ie wilde zeggen dat de boel inelkaar zou storten (voor zover dit nog niet gedaan is).

hahahhahaha...goed argument ja.

At 5:45 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ook een quote gevonden. (Fireman) Hayden: Yeah, we had to pull everybody back. It was very difficult. We had to be very forceful in getting the guys out. They didn’t want to come out. There were guys going into areas that I wasn’t even really comfortable with, because of the possibility of secondary collapses. We didn’t know how stable any of this area was. We pulled everybody back probably by 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon. We said, this building is going to come down, get back. It came down about 5 o’clock or so, but we had everybody backed away by then. At that point in time, it seemed like a somewhat smaller event, but under any normal circumstances, that’s a major event, a 47-story building collapsing. It seemed like a firecracker after the other ones came down, but I mean that’s a big building, and when it came down, it was quite an event. But having gone through the other two, it didn’t seem so bad. But that’s what we were concerned about. We had said to the guys, we lost as many as 300 guys. We didn’t want to lose any more people that day. And when those numbers start to set in among everybody… My feeling early on was we weren’t going to find any survivors. You either made it out or you didn’t make it out. It was a cataclysmic event."

At 6:40 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Of deze:
"We heard reports all day long of 7 World Trade possibly coming down.. ...We heard that all day long, all
the warnings." –Firefighter Christopher Patrick Murray

At that point they were worried that 7 was coming down so they were calling for everyone to back out.
–Firefighter Matthew Long

I remember him screaming about number 7, No. 7, that they wanted everybody away from 7 because 7 was
definitely going to collapse, they don't know when, but it's definitely going to come down, just get the hell out
of the way, everybody get away from it, make sure you're away from it, that's an order, you know, stuff like
that. –Firefighter Edward Kennedy

Newsman Brian Williams: “What we’ve been fearing all
afternoon has apparently happened
. We’ve been watching number 7 World Trade, which was part
of the ancillary damage of the explosion and collapse of the other two.”

De brandweer en de media wisten dat WTC7 zou gaan instorten. Sjee, het was zelfs op de NOS. Maar er was niks aan de hand met WTC7 hoor. De media speelden gewoon onder 1 hoedje met Silverstein.

Er zijn tientallen zoniet honderden getuigenverklaringen van brandweerlieden over WTC7. Geen eentje die zegt dat er een geplande demolitie was. "This building is about to blow up" is alleen bewijs voor achterlijke zeloten. Is het nou zo moeilijk voor de "truth seekers" om iemand voor de camera te krijgen die vertelt dat WTC7 met opzet middels explosieven is neergehaald? Retards.

At 8:53 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Braad: "Nou nou, KEIHARDE argumenten heb je daar. Ik zou zeggen, stap er mee naar Peter R. de Vries."

Ja, die heeft toch ook de zaak JKF opgelost? :*) Maar eigenlijk vind ik dat de belangwekkende vindingen op de frontpage van de New York Times horen: Extra! Dutch researcher A. Canary proves controlled demolition of 7 World Trade Center! President Bush fled country, Cheney in hiding!


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