Waar blijven toch de klokkenluiders inzake 9/11? Waarom heeft niemand van de regering Bush, het militaire apparaat of de veiligheidsdiensten in de afgelopen vijf jaar al dan niet anoniem zijn mond opengedaan? Het simpele feit dat die klokkenluiders niet zijn opgestaan geeft eigenlijk al aan dat het hele 9/11 complot naar het rijk der fabelen kan worden gewezen. Een schandaal van deze omvang was simpelweg niet geheim te houden.
En als zich dan eindelijk een klokkenluider meldt is hij nog fake ook. 911Blogger.com verwees een dezer dagen naar de website Veterans for 9/11 Truth. Daar is een brief te lezen van een zekere sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez, die reageert op een een artikel over de aanslagen van 9/11 in de Cincinnati Post.
De oud militair lijkt de vleesgeworden natte droom voor de 911 complotters: hij bevestigt ongeveer alles wat de complotdenkers beweren, bijvoorbeeld de militaire oefeningen die de aandacht van de gekaapte vliegtuigen moesten afleiden, of dat Dick Cheney de opdracht zou hebben gegeven om de gekaapte vliegtuigen niet te onderscheppen. Hij heeft het ook over WTC7 en citeert een vriend - ook een militair - die zou hebben bezworen dat er explosieven zijn gebruikt voor het neerhalen van de torens.
"We moeten deze man NU op de camera krijgen, als iemand mijn vliegticket betaalt kan ik er zondag zijn, hopelijk duikt Alex Jones hier bovenop," schrijft een zekere Luke. "Als dit ligitiem is, hebben we gewonnen," juicht een ander. Ook in de Nederlandse complotfora wordt deze "911 Truth doorbraak" nog even gemeld.
Maar al snel slaat de nuchterheid toe: De brief, die bij Cincinnati Post nergens is terug te vinden of nooit is geplaatst, lijkt te mooi om waar te zijn, daarover zijn de sceptici onder de truthers het inmiddels eens. Die lange opsomming van verwijzingen naar de bekende complotsites aan het eind van de brief doet vermoeden dat een 'waarheidsstrijder' de vele geruchten geloofwaardig heeft willen maken door ze te laten bevestigen door een vermeende oud militair. Zoals ook blijkt uit de vele feitelijke onjuistheden in die brief.
"It shouldn't be out front here, it makes 9/11 truthers look like saps," zegt de een. "This "Chavez" guy sounds like disinfo assclown to me, don't trust it," de ander. Een enkele truther sputtert nog tegen, een 911 Truth doorbraak moet je immers niet te snel uit je handen laten glippen, maar het verstand overwint de euforie, en de infostrijders druipen teleurgesteld af. Weer een glimmertje hoop de grond ingeboord.
hier zijn de klokkenluiders:
National Security Whistleblowers Coalition
Waarvan Sibel Edmonds (FBI) wellicht de meest prominente is.
Geen sterk voorbeeld. Sibel Edmonds is geen insider, maar een ex vertaalster bij de FBI. "Edmonds alleges that in the course of her work for the government, she found evidence that the FBI, State Department, and Pentagon had been infiltrated by a Turkish intelligence organization suspected of ties to terrorism. She also accused members of the FBI's translation unit of sabotage, intimidation, corruption and incompetence." Zij heeft geen enkel (aantoonbaar) bewijs van de betrokkenheid van inlichtingendiensten bij de aanslagen van 9/11. Ik begrijp niet waarom je dit aanvoert.
meer over 9-11 whistleblowers
National Security Whistleblowers Coalition
Sibel Edmods (FBI)
"...money laundering, drugs and terrorist activities and their support networks converging in several points. And this money travels. And you start trying to go to the root of it and it's getting into somebody's political campaign, and somebody's lobbying..."
- Sibel Edmonds
Indira Singh (Wallstreet)
Indira Singh testimony and interviews
Testimony before the 9-11 Citizens Commission headed by Cynthia McKinney
http://911busters.com/911-Commission.html (audio and video)
- Indira Singh Sibel's Letter (testimony starts at about 10min.)
- Indira Singh and Mike Ruppert - Questions and Answers
http://www.justicefor911.org/September-Hearings.doc (transcript)
KPFA "Guns and Butter"
Interviews with Indira Singh
"Ground Zero 911, Blueprint For Terror, Part Two" July 20th 2005
http://www.kpfa.org/cgi-bin/gen-mpegurl.m3u?server= (mp3)
"Ground Zero 911, Blueprint For Terror, Part One" April 27th 2005
http://www.kpfa.org/cgi-bin/gen-mpegurl.m3u?server= (mp3)
part one is mainly about Indira's background and what took place on 9-11-01, part two contains most of 'the goods'
transcript of part 2
"In fact, and this has to be made very clear, there are some extraordinarily real patriotic Americans and good people in the FBI, as has been said by, I believe, Agent Colleen Rowley, one of the FBI whistleblowers’ bosses, that there’s a wall in the FBI, and this has been validated to me by various attorneys in Houston, who are very close to the power bases, and are pretty ticked-off at what’s happening in this country and are speaking out, as are many CIA agents who are very concerned that it has gone too far, as are many NSA agents who are concerned that it’s gone too far, and FBI agents. So we have a lot of people who are speaking out, they’ve kept quiet too long; they’re afraid, they’re afraid of what’s happening to this country. And when I say the Third Reich, what is happening to this country, they say, and I will identify ‘they’ if pressed, they say, will make the Third Reich look like a tea party."
- Indira Singh
Robert Wright (FBI)
Karen Kwiatkowski (Pentagon)
William Rodriguez (WTC janitor)
Andrew Grove
Philip Giraldi
NSWBC provided a list of 13 whistleblowers who were prepared to testify before the 9/11 Commission because they had relevant knowledge, but were “turned away, ignored or censored.” Reading through the list gives some idea of what we didn’t find out from the 9/11 Commission and how much of a disservice it did to us.
John M. Cole, Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist; FBI — Mr. Cole worked for 18 years in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division as an Intelligence Operations specialist, and was in charge of FBI’s foreign intelligence investigations covering India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr. Cole had knowledge of certain activities that directly related to the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. He notified the 9/11 Commission during its investigation, but never received a response. His name and contact information was provided to the Commission as a key witness by other witnesses, but he was never contacted or interviewed.
John Vincent, Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism; FBI — Mr. Vincent worked for the FBI for 27½ years before retiring in 2002. He worked his last 8 years in counterterrorism in the FBI’s Chicago Field Office. Mr. Vincent, along with Robert Wright, exposed inefficiencies within the FBI in working counterterrorism cases, and certain warnings they had tried to pursue prior to the 9/11 attack that were directly related to Al-Qaeda’s financial network and money laundering activities. Although he was granted an interview, the commissioners’ investigators refused to let him provide them with information related to his case and the 9/11 terrorists’ network; they insisted on limiting the interview to only administrative and irrelevant questions and issues.
Robert Wright, Veteran Special Agent, Counterterrorism; FBI — Mr. Wright is a veteran special agent in the FBI Chicago Field Office Counterterrorism Unit. He had been investigating a suspected terrorist cell for three years, when he was informed in January 2001 that the case was being closed. Agent Wright, along with Mr. Vincent, exposed inefficiencies within the FBI in working counterterrorism cases and certain warnings they’d tried to pursue prior to the 9/11 attack that were directly related to Al-Qaeda’s financial network and money laundering activities. Three months before September 11, Wright wrote a stinging internal memo charging that the FBI was not interested in thwarting a terrorist attack, but rather “was merely gathering intelligence so they would know who to arrest when a terrorist attack occurred.” The FBI refused to allow Wright to testify before the 9/11 Commission, however, the Commission did not insist or attempt to subpoena Wright, despite the fact that it had subpoena power.
Sibel Edmonds, Former Language Specialist; FBI — Ms. Edmonds worked for the FBI’s Washington Field Office as a language specialist with Top Secret Clearance performing translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations dealing with Turkey, Iran, and Turkic speaking Central Asian countries. She contacted the 9/11 Commission in May 2003 and requested a meeting to provide them with information directly related to the terrorist attack. The Commission investigators refused to meet with Edmonds and informed her that due to their limited resources and time they were not going to interview all witnesses. She was able to provide the commission with information and documents only after certain 9/11 family members intervened directly. Ms. Edmonds’ testimony was completely censored by the Commission.
Behrooz Sarshar, Former Language Specialist; FBI — Mr. Sarshar worked for the FBI’s Washington Field Office as a language specialist with Top Secret Clearance performing Farsi translations for counterterrorism and counterintelligence operations dealing with Iran and Afghanistan. He had first-hand information of prior specific warning obtained from a reliable informant in April 2001 on the terrorist attacks of September 11. Mr. Sarshar contacted the Commission directly but was refused. He was given an interview with the Commission investigators only after 9/11 family members intervened directly. Mr. Sarshar’s documented testimony was completely omitted from the commission’s final report, despite his case being publicly confirmed by Director Mueller’s Office.
Mike German, Special Agent, Counterterrorism; FBI — Mr. German served sixteen years as an FBI Special Agent and is one of the rare agents credited with actually having prevented acts of terrorism before it became the FBI’s number one priority. He contacted the Commission in the spring of 2004, but did not receive a response. In 2002 he reported gross mismanagement in a post-9/11 counterterrorism investigation, which included serious violations of FBI policy and federal law. Mr. German contacted the 9/11 Commission during its investigation and requested that he be given an interview session in order to provide them with certain domestic counterterrorism investigations that he’d pursued. According to Mr. German there were links between certain domestic and international counterterrorism related to the September 11 attacks. The 9/11 Commissioners refused to acknowledge his request and never interviewed him.
Gilbert Graham, Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence; FBI — Mr. Graham worked for the FBI’s Washington Field Office Counterintelligence Division until 2002. In February 2004 his name and contact information were provided to the Commission as a key witness with information pertinent to the Commission’s investigation. The 9/11 Commission refused to follow up and never contacted Mr. Graham.
Coleen Rowley, Retired Division Counsel; FBI — In May 2002, Coleen Rowley, as the Division Counsel at the FBI Minneapolis Office, blew the whistle on the FBI’s failure to pursue Zacarias Moussaoui’s case prior to 9/11, despite all attempts made by the Minneapolis division counterterrorism agents. She reported that FBI HQ personnel in Washington, D.C., had mishandled and neglected to take action on information provided by her division. Despite her high-profile case the commission chose not to interview Ms. Rowley. According to Ms. Rowley, no one from the FBI Minneapolis Office (several Agents had direct information) was ever asked to provide testimony [or] information to the 9/11 Commission.
Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer, DIA — Colonel Shaffer provided the Commission with detailed information on intelligence and pre warning information obtained by his unit’s data mining project, Able Danger. The 9/11 commission staff received not one but two briefings on Able Danger from Mr. Shaffer and his former team members, yet did not pursue the case, did not follow up on this documented report and refused to subpoena the relevant files. Mr. Shaffer’s testimony, together with other witnesses who corroborated his testimony and information, were censored by the 9/11 Commissioners and never made it to its final report.
Dick Stoltz, Retired Special Agent; ATF — Mr. Stoltz, a veteran undercover agent with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, had played an important role in Operation Diamondback between 1998 and 2001. The sting operation involved a group of Middle Eastern men living in New Jersey who were caught on tape in an ATF weapons sting conspiring to buy millions of dollars of weapons including components for nuclear bombs. The case came to a screeching halt with the arrest of only a handful of suspects in June of 2001 even though there was ample evidence that some of the people who were attempting to buy these weapons had connections with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden himself. The 9/11 Commission refused to contact Agent Stoltz despite all attempts made by several witnesses from the intelligence and law enforcement communities, and the 9/11 Family group, Jersey Moms.
Bogdan Dzakovic, Former Red Team Leader; FAA — Mr. Dzakovic had worked for the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration since 1987 as a Special Agent, as a Team Leader in the Federal Air Marshals, and from 1995 until September 11, 2001 was a Team Leader of the Red Team (terrorist team). Mr. Dzakovic had tried for several years prior to the 9/11 attacks to improve aviation security in the face of the ever-increasing terrorist threat. He provided the 9/11 Commission with his testimony and documented reports. His testimony and report to the Commission was completely omitted from the final report.
Linda Lewis, Retired Emergency Programs Specialist; USDA — Ms. Lewis worked for 13 years evaluating and coordinating federal, state and local preparedness for nuclear, radiological and chemical weapons emergencies. Prior to September 11, 2001, she had reported numerous inadequacies and dysfunctions in emergency preparedness, including a culture of intimidation that discouraged federal evaluators from reporting inadequacies in state and local plans and preparedness. USDA officials had thwarted her efforts to bring in terrorism experts to help the agency prepare for attacks on federal buildings, including bio-weapons attacks such as the anthrax attacks of 2001. In vain, she had urged FEMA officials to develop a national emergency communications plan and require interoperability of federally funded emergency communications equipment. In the absence of these preparations, New York City firefighters and police officers were unable to communicate critical information on September 11 at the World Trade Center. Ms. Lewis contacted the Commission and offered to provide information regarding dysfunctional government preparedness, but the Commission never responded.
Mark Burton, Senior Analyst; NSA — Mr. Burton served as an all-source threat analyst in NSA’s Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) for most of his 16-year career. He was the editor of IAD’s premier threat document, the 300+ page ISSO Global Threat Summary, and was an adjunct faculty member at NSA’s National Cryptologic School. He provided dozens of pages of relevant information to the 9/11 Commission, but was completely ignored and never asked to testify.
The above list does not include many others from the intelligence and law enforcement communities who had similarly contacted or reported to the commission but had been either turned away or censored, and of course many others who are still working within these agencies and are fearful of making their identities known, due to the relentless pursuit of and retaliation against whistleblowers by government agencies. — National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (PDF)
It’s clear now to anyone paying the least bit of attention that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were completely preventable, but not by the U.S. government as it was then — and still is now. A government which took its whistleblowers seriously, investigated their complaints with alacrity, and acted with speed, could have foiled this particular plot.
I fear that this government, which has done nothing more than rearrange the bureaucratic deck chairs and needlessly inconvenience millions of people to give Americans a false sense of security, will likewise ignore the warning signs of the next terrorist plot.
Sibel's interview in Vanity Fair beperkt zich tot Turkije, maar
haar verhaal gaat over veel meer dan dat.
Sibel Edmonds: Revealing the content of the FBI intercepts
In an exclusive interview on Saturday, we asked Edmonds if she would deny that laundered drug money linked to the 911 attacks found its way into recent House, Senate and Presidential campaign war-chests, according to what she heard in intelligence intercepts she was asked to translate.
"once this issue gets to be investigated, you will be seeing certain people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally," revealing the content of the FBI intercepts she heard indicates that recognizable, very high-profile American citizens are linked to the 911 attacks.
When asked how many Americans were named in the intercepts, Edmonds said "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized," further revealing that "some are heads of government agencies or politicians--but I don’t want to go any further than that,"
-- Sibel Edmonds
Nogmaals: Geen van de hier genoemde informanten wist op voorhand iets van explosieven, gekaapte verkeersvliegentuigen, etc. Het zijn dus eigenlijk 'outsiders'. Ze zeggen dat FBI onvoldoende deed aan bepaalde info. Daar zoek jij natuurlijk iets achter, maar evengoed kunnen verkeerde prioriteiten zijn gesteld.
"...content of the FBI intercepts she heard indicates that recognizable, very high-profile American citizens are linked to the 911 attacks."
Hoezo "outsider"?
"SA Wright points to recent misconduct and falsifications of wiretap warrant applications by FBI agents (signed-off by the former FBI Director, Louis Freeh) to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. Prior to September 11th, SA Wright alleged FBI intelligence agents lied and hid vital records from criminal agents for the purpose of obstructing his criminal investigation of the terrorists in order to protect their “subjects,” and prolong their intelligence operations. SA Wright was stunned to learn recently that some of the FBI intelligence agents that had stalled and obstructed his criminal investigations of terrorists in Chicago had also lied to the judges of the FISA Court in Washington, DC."
Hoezo "zeggen dat FBI onvoldoende deed aan bepaalde info"?
Het is overduidelijk het blokkeren van onderzoek naar financiële banden met terrorisme.
Deze discussie heeft niks met mijn insteek te maken: klokkenluiders zijn voor mij mensen die van de hoed en de rand weten, zoals een Ad Bos, die met zijn neus bovenop de bouwfraude zat. Dus de plannenmakers en de uitvoerders.
Hoezo "outsider"?
Je maakt zelf een onderscheid tussen insiders en outsiders. Je suggereert dat er mensen binnen de FBI zijn die van een complot weten, en die niet van een complot weten. Hoe gaat zoiets, wil ik dan wel eens weten. Wie vertrouw je en wie niet?
Is this the best you can do, anoniempje?
Siebel Edmonds heeft tegen Alex Jones gezegd dat ze "niet verbaasd" zou zijn als 9/11 een inside job was. Kortom, ze weet niks van bommen in het WTC of raketten in het Pentagon.
Vertel eens anoniempje, hebben jouw klokkenluiders al onthuld wat er met de passagiers van Flight 77 & 93 is gebeurd? Ooh, dus al dat gekopieer is eigenlijk een schaamlap voor het feit dat jullie niemand hebben?
Meer klokkenluidersnieuws: de conclusies van een Pentagon onderzoek naar Able Danger zijn vernietigend... voor Curt Weldon en Kolonel Shaffer, al hun beweringen worden naar het rijk der fabelen verwezen. :*)
Hoor ik daar Kees Schaap met z'n tanden knarsen? Die Zembla-Lihop wordt slapper en slapper.
Billy's argument is een non-argument, omdat hij per definitie iedere whistleblower op dit gebied af zal schilderen als complotdenkeri
Door deze vooringenomenheid zal hij dan ook nooit zal kunnen waarnemen of er al dan niet klokkenluiders bestaan op dat gebied.
Onmogelijk ten gevolge van een psychologische blokkade in zijn hersens.
Waarom pak je juist een klokkeluider die fake is, en behandel je niet die anderen die worden genoemd ?
Met betrekking tot de persoon uit het artikel zijn de meeste CT-ers het immers roerend met je eens dat zijn verhaal onzin is.
Heb je toch nog iets met ze gemeen ;)
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