Dom en Dociel

"Laat die TV toch in godsnaam uit; ik heb het gevoel dat wij door ons naieve & infantiele 8 uur Journaal, Nova en Netwerk dom en dociel worden gehouden; het gaat bijna altijd over triviale issues zoals ‘de Wouter Bos Tapes’, ik zou zeggen; ‘trap onder de kont en kom nou eens met werkelijk nieuws, het is hoog tijd!’ Wie nog gelooft dat Bil Laden achter 9/11 zit, moet toch wel een randdebiel zijn!?"
Aldus een Zapruder-complotter die zich Papillon noemt. Papillon heeft namelijk iets veel beters: Dacht dat hij de enige Nederlander was die Eric Hufschmid kent! Of neem die geweldige Christopher Bollyn of Christopher Jon Bjerknes!
Zouden complotters nou nooit eens de achtergronden van dit soort leipe figuren natrekken? Eric Hufschmid is een holocaust-ontkenner, Christopher Bollyn een man met neonazi-sympathieën en Christopher Jon Bjerknes beweert dat Joden Hitler in het zadel hebben geholpen.
Complotters hebben sowieso een raar idee van nieuws. Naar aanleiding van het Zapruder gespam eerder deze week bij trok P.uncia zich mopperend terug: Posten bij was over, het werd toch niet gewaardeerd. "Nieuws, jeetje, dat is vermoeiend dan moet je nadenken, nee dan lekker klessebessen en met pijltjes spelen en elkaar vertellen hoe goed ze wel "niet" zijn."
Nieuws in kranten of op tv is geen nieuws, zo redeneren de complotters. Dat is copy-paste van ANP berichten (wat doen die redacties dan nog, vraag je je af). Nee, een beetje slimmerd haalt het echte nieuws van internet. Van obscure, slecht geschreven sites waar meningen niet van (halve) feiten zijn te onderscheiden zijn, waar slordige interpretaties op wonderbaarlijke wijze 'waarheid' worden (Marvin Bush hoofd beveiliging van het WTC) en citaten bijna per definitie uit hun context worden gelicht of gewoon verzonnen.
Complotters wanen zich dan ook echte muckrakers: "‘t is al erg genoeg dat wij hier alle aan amateur journalistiek moeten doen, omdat het journaille niet verder komt dat wat te hoereren met de gelddrugsoorlogmachtmaffia."
Maar als complotters het over nieuws hebben, dan bedoelen ze eigenlijk iets heel anders: namelijk een mening. Hun mening. Als een site George Bush tegen de schandpaal nagelt, dan is dat nieuws dat er toe doet. Als een site zegt dat 19 geitenhoeders nooit 747s in gebouwen hebben kunnen laten vliegen dan is dat de waarheid. Net als alles dat refereert aan de zogenaamde Nieuwe Wereldorde. Grappig is dat complotters de media wantrouwen, maar die wel gretig citeren als ze daarmee hun gelijk denken te kunnen aantonen.
Nieuws is dus niks anders dan de gekleurde bril van de verknipte complotter. Die dan in alle arrogantie ook nog eens denkt dat de halve mensheid het maar niet wil begrijpen: "Wij (...) stellen dat mensen dom zijn omdat de media hen niet informeert over bepaalde zaken. Als er dingen zijn aan 9/11 die stinken, waarom worden die dan niet nageplozen? Als er tegenwoordig al aandacht aan 9/11 wordt geschonken, dan wordt het verhaal van een conspiracy theorist ge-debunked in plaats van ingegaan op Building 7. Waarom?"
Omdat jullie helemaal niks uitpluizen, uilskuikens!
Labels: Media
Lekkere dooddoener.
Wanneer komt dat nieuwe onderzoek nou?
Ben je er dan al uit welke hypotheses onderzocht moeten worden? Wie dat onderzoek moet uitvoeren? Hoe je de onafhankelijkheid kan waarborgen? Wie bepaalt of het ook werkelijk onafhankelijk is uitgevoerd?
Of vind je dat soort dingen niet zo belangrijk en wil je gewoon "een onderzoek", zolang de resultaten maar datgene zijn wat je wil horen?
Lol, je pakt een berichtje van iemand die 2 dagen lid is van dat forum, en generaliseert er vervolgens weer lekker op los ;)
"Nieuws in kranten of op tv is geen nieuws, zo redeneren de complotters. Dat is copy-paste van ANP berichten (wat doen die redacties dan nog, vraag je je af)."
Voor een deel klopt dat, dus wat is daarmee je punt, wil je ontkennen dat dat gebeurd ? Is het je nooit opgevallen dat je hetzelfde bericht van persbureau's zoals het ANP of Reuters op talloze websites van kranten enzo terug kunt vinden ?
Misschien moet je zelf eens een cursus journalistiek volgen ?
"Voor een deel klopt dat, dus wat is daarmee je punt"
Zeker een Spits of Metro lezer?
@ Rogier :
Dat gebeurd heus niet alleen in de Spits of Metro hoor, hier een voorbeeldje :
Waarmee ik niet wil zeggen dat kranten geen eigen artikelen hebben, maar dat er wel degelijk veel copy/paste tussen zit van persbureau's (incl. bronvermelding).
Het feit dat de media geen enkele aandacht aan de Bilderberg conferentie besteed, zegt al genoeg.
Als onze glorieuze koningin ergens een lintje doorknipt, kun je dat in het 8-uur journaal terugvinden.
Als de elite en politici plus de absolute top in het bankwezen, oliemaatschappijen, media en industrie bij elkaar komen.....
hoor je helemaal niets...
De Bilderberg conferentie krijgt heus wel aandacht, hoor. Zelfs bij RTL Boulevard.
Weinig, zo is er geen aandacht in de Nederlandse pers voor de conferentie in Istanbul die momenteel bezig is.
"De Bilderberg conferentie krijgt heus wel aandacht, hoor. Zelfs bij RTL Boulevard."
Lol, laat eens 1 artikeltje zien uit de Nederlandse pers over de conferentie in Istanbul ;)
Dat de pers erg weinig aandacht hieraan besteedt is simpelweg een feit Rogier.
hahaha, ik weet al wat Billy's volgende stukje wordt! Maar laten we dit keer het gras voor z'n voeten maar lekker wuiven in de wind. :)
ik krijg de letters 'JDK' door..
Je krijgt letters door ? Ben je familie van Char ofzo ? Maar 't lijkt me best interessant, een artikel over de Java Development Kit.... ;)
=> Je blijf Domweg Kloten op het zapruder forum.
"je pakt een berichtje van iemand die 2 dagen lid is van dat forum, en generaliseert er vervolgens weer lekker op los ;)"
Van dit soort figuren zijn er dertien in een dozijn en je vindt ze allemaal bij Zapruder.
Tja Papillon, iemand die 3 keer dezelfde post maakt en daarna door forumleden gewezen wordt op die rare Schmid. Papillon is verdwenen en hier schrijft men een heel stuk over deze rare Zapruders en rare Schmid. Meneer heeft het wiel uitgevonden hoor.
Na tig jaar Bilderberg komt rtl boulevard langs, dat noemt men dan meteen de media die zijn werk goed doet.
Willen jullie dus allemaal beweren dat het prima is dat alle bekende gezichten van de wereld lekker in het geheim dingen gaan bespreken? Iedereen die een beetje in democratie en transparatie gelooft hoort dit gewoon af te keuren.
Ik denk dat het beter is als achteraf er een samenvatting gegeven zou worden van wat daar besproken is, maar dat gelul over een wereldregering slaat nergens op. Daarvoor is de samenstelling van de gegadigden net iets te divers en ook tamelijk incompleet.
Tja, één maal per jaar samenkomen om lekker te babbelen en te eten is al een samenzwering voor one complotgelovigen ! :p
Met de EU zijn ze al lekker bezig ook al was de uitslag nee. Met de noord Amerikaanse unie hetzelfde.
Straks is het gewoon een kwestie van wat grote blokken samenvoegen.
Je hoeft echt niet elk jaar duizenden mensen uit te nodigen.
Dat Bilderberg geintje is strafbaar voor politici in Amerika.
Dus als je het over complotten hebt...
De EU politici gewoon gekozen door jij en ik. Maar kennelijk realiseren zich te weinig mensen dat EU politiek steeds belangrijker wordt en je dus je stem moet uitbrengen.
Copyright 2007 Associated Press
All Rights Reserved
The Associated Press State & Local Wire
May 31, 2007 Thursday 9:34 PM GMT
LENGTH: 73 words
HEADLINE: Governor heads to conference in Istanbul
Texas Gov. Rick Perry left Thursday for a trip to Istanbul, Turkey, where he is attending the Bilderberg Conference.
The annual conference is typically a private event for influential government officials and financial experts from Europe and North America.
Perry was invited to speak on state-federal relations. He is scheduled to return to Texas on Monday. The trip is being paid for by Perry's campaign fund, said his spokesman, Robert Black.
LOAD-DATE: June 1, 2007
Copyright 2007 British Broadcasting Corporation
All Rights Reserved
BBC Monitoring Europe - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
May 31, 2007 Thursday
LENGTH: 337 words
HEADLINE: Turkey: Istanbul to host Bilderberg meeting
Text of report in English by Turkish news agency Anatolia
Istanbul, 31 May: The 55th Bilderberg Meeting will begin in Istanbul on Friday [1 June], with the participation of 135 leading figures from different countries.
Bilderberg is an annual conference of the global elite, the location of which changes every year. The event gathers high-level officials from the world business, politics and media circles.
Issues such as new world order, Turkey, the Middle East, Europe, the United States, democracy and populism, prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, information technologies and climate change will be discussed during the three-day meeting.
The Turkish state minister and chief negotiator, Ali Babacan, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Kemal Dervis, the Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen (Tusiad) Chairwoman Arzuhan Dogan Yalcindag, Koc Holding Executive Board President Mustafa Koc and the Bogazici University rector, Prof Dr Ayse Soysal, will attend the meeting on behalf of Turkey.
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium, Greek National Economy and Finance Minister Yeoryios Alogoskoufis, former Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemao of Portugal, former Foreign Minister Michel Barnier of France, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt of Sweden, Finance Minister Anders Borg of Sweden, Foreign Trade Minister Frank Heemskerk of the Netherlands, Finance Minister Jyrki Katainen of Finland, former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, Agriculture Minister Christine Lagarde of France, Justice Minister Michael McDowell of Ireland, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato, the EU commissioner for enlargement, Olli Rehn, and the US ambassador to Turkey, Ross Wilson, are among foreign guests of the meeting.
Meanwhile, tight security measures were taken in and around the Ritz Carlton Hotel, the venue of the meeting.
Source: Anatolia news agency, Ankara, in English 1057 gmt 31 May 07
LOAD-DATE: May 31, 2007
All Rights Reserved
Sunday Express
May 27, 2007 Sunday
U.K. 1st Edition
LENGTH: 272 words
HEADLINE: It's curtains for Blair;
BLACKADDER star Tony Robinson has a cunning plan for Tony Blair if he struggles to find work when he leaves Downing Street next month. The Labour-supporting actor, who played Baldrick in the TV comedy, is willing to offer the PM a job on his one-man theatre show.
"I disagree with Blair on major issues and have argued to his face about Iraq, " says Robinson.
"But he is a very charming bloke and would be a good warm-up man for me."
SCOTS smoothie Alistair Darling insists that nature, and not the stylist's bottle, is responsible for his startling combination of white hair and black eyebrows.
Darling, widely touted as the next Chancellor of the Exchequer, is one of several New Labour MPs whose career prospered after shaving off his beard. But it seems the curious eyebrows are here to stay. "I've always been able to see beyond them, " he says. "And I'm sure others can, too."
FURTHER signs that the Tories are on the way back arrived in the post this week - in the shape of an invite for Shadow Chancellor George Osborne to attend the annual Bilderberg conference this summer. The secretive Bilderberg group is said by some to run the world through a global network of top people. George, who has not yet run anything, will be hoping for a few tips.
GORDON BROWN spent a pleasant afternoon with the literati yesterday launching his book on "courage" at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival. He is said to have another book on "unsung heroes" in the pipeline - leaving some to wonder where he finds the time. The latest tax credits figures, which reveal another GBP 2billion of waste in the Chancellor's flagship scheme, may provide a clue.
LOAD-DATE: May 29, 2007
Copyright 2007 Financial Times Information
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Global News Wire - Asia Africa Intelligence Wire
Copyright 2007 Turkish Daily News, Source: The Financial Times Limited
Turkish Daily News
May 31, 2007 Thursday
ACC-NO: A20070531E-14E01-GNW
LENGTH: 2200 words
Some call it "the multinational government", some call it the "elite club which shapes world policies" while others say it essentially "fixes" the world's fate. It literally breeds conspiracy theories all around the world with its secrecy, while participants say it is only a private gathering that should be respected.
Whatever it is, the mighty Bilderberg is at our door: The "high priests of globalization," as Will Hutton from The Observer once famously put it, begin their ultra-secretive annual meeting today in Istanbul. While the international media's silence gives rise to yet more conspiracy theories, the Turkish media is going nuts about it: from mass-circulation dailies to well-known weeklies, the media is Bilderberg-busy nowadays. Daily Vatan calls it "the most secretive meeting in the world," announcing: "Bilderberg in Istanbul." Weekly Aktuel says the "multinational government" is here to determine the fate of the world. It seems the hype will continue until the "high priests" end their Istanbul meeting on Sunday.
For those who have not heard about it yet, the Bilderberg Group is an "unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests" (Wikipedia), influential, powerful figures from the realms of economy, media and politics. The name comes from their first meeting in 1954, which was held in the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. As the date signals, Bilderberg is a creation of the Cold War. The idea came from Joseph Retinger, who was concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe at the time. So, Bilderberg, just like other organizations like NATO, aimed at strengthening the "unity of the West" against the "communist threat."
With the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, the group focused on enhancing the American-led globalization. But then, the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington practically resulted in another focus, which one might call the relation between "civilizations."
Thus, after the first gathering in Istanbul (1959) and the second one in Izmir (1975), a third gathering in Turkey, widely regarded as a "bridge" between the East and the West, seems appropriate.
People that run the world:
If one aspect of Bilderberg that irks many is its secrecy, another one is the identity of its participants. Looking at the list of regular "Bilderbergers," one cannot but think that these are really "the people that run the world". Veterans like Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski are joined every year by newcomers such as former U.S. President Bill Clinton, soon-to-be-former-PM Tony Blair, NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former Pentagon adviser Richard Perle and countless others. Every year, the list also includes important "media people" from influential outlets such as The Financial Times, Washington Post, The Economist, The Times, Le Figaro and Die Zeit. The picture becomes complete with CEOs from the world's biggest companies such as Coca-Cola, Fiat, Suez-Tractebel, Royal Dutch Shell and British Petroleum.
With such a mixture, conspiracy theories abound; the most famous one being the "invisible hand" theory. According to some, those who are lucky enough to attend the meetings and get a blessing from the "inner circle" witness breath-taking career leaps. An "obscure governor" from Arkansas, one year after attending the Bilderberg meeting in 1991, became the President of the United States, while Tony Blair of Britain was elected prime minister three years after his attendance in 1993. But why did Margaret Thatcher, a regular Bilderberger, lose her job as Prime Minister in 1990? The theory says that she lost the support of Bilderberg because she did not accept the transfer of British sovereignty to a "European Super State." Of course, John Major, who took the job as Prime Minister after Thatcher, was also a Bilderberger.
One may choose to believe or not, but the secrecy of the meetings no cell phones, no getting out of the hotel during three days, no notes, no interviews creates fertile ground for conspiracy theories. When senior representatives of media giants such as the FT, the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post attend the meetings every year and next to nothing is printed in the same papers about Bilderberg, one starts to wonder.
Dedicated journalists:
There are a few journalists who are dedicated to unveil the secret of the Bilderberg, though. People such as James P. Tucker, Daniel Estulin and Tony Gosling. The first two are in Istanbul, tracking down the participants, while Gosling, a Briton who runs the Web site, could not come to the show. His Web site gets about three million hits a month, Gosling says, and attributes this great interest to the fact that "investigative journalism is pretty much dead" elsewhere. The Bilderberg is very powerful, especially financially, he told the Turkish Daily News over the phone: "So, if they come to a decision, it is effective."
Gosling has covered the last 10 meetings, and he thinks the gathering in Istanbul is of high importance. "There is a lot of tension on the Iran-Turkey border at the moment. Iraq is also right next door. This is an area of interest for Bilderberg," he said. "[The Bilderbergers] are worried that Islamic sentiment in Turkey is not in favor of an invasion of Iran. They are here to attempt to persuade the Turkish elite and bring them on board with the neocon plan for the Middle East."
But why the secrecy? Gosling posed the same question to David Rockefeller back in 2003. "He shrugged and said it was just a private meeting," he continues. "But the world does not buy this argument. There are politicians there and they are not private people. They are people who should be held accountable."
Gosling's claim, that the main topic of Bilderberg 2007 is Iran, is a widely held opinion. Other topics are energy policies and Turkey's bid for European Union membership, according to the daily Vatan. The paper is optimistic about the last item; it says the Istanbul meeting is a signal that the EU has "inched open the door" to Turkey, basing this claim on unnamed "Bilderberg sources."
A veteran of Bilderberg:
With four separate attendances in Atlanta, Ottawa, Stockholm and Lisbon, Turkey's former Central Bank governor, Gazi Ercel, is the most informed source one can find. "There are many international meetings such as Bilderberg, which have strict rules," he said to the TDN. As to the reason of the secrecy, he says it is a precaution to ensure that everyone talks sincerely on the topics, without the concern of being quoted.
The conspiracy theories stem from ignorance about the meetings, Ercel said, quoting Confucius: "Those who produce ideas without the knowledge are harmful. As they do not know what Bilderberg is, they believe in superstitions."
Ercel also got his share of mention in the conspiracy theories, as some accused him of "planning the 2001 financial crisis" at one of the meetings. "These are defective claims," he said. "Bilderberg is a high-level meeting. Everyone talks freely and very striking debates take place."
Over the years Bilderberg meetings had important Turkish participants. Among them are Suleyman Demirel, the former president; Gazi Ercel, former Central Bank chief; Mesut Yilmaz, former Prime Minister; Selahattin Beyazit, a businessman and a "constant participant"; Mustafa Koc, the CEO of Koc Holding; former ministers Ismail Cem, Hikmet Cetin and Kemal Dervis and also some well-known journalists. Among them, Fehmi Koru from the conservative daily Yeni Safak stands out, because until last year, he had written numerous critical columns on Bilderberg. Last year, things changed and he was also invited to the meetings. Afterwards, he wrote a six-day series on Bilderberg, telling much about the environment and the participants, but certainly not much on what was discussed. Koru is invited for a second time this year, but the "jump" in his career is yet to be seen!
As the Bilderbergers gather, probably giggling among themselves about the conspiracy theories abounding, it would be appropriate to quote Alasdair Spark, an expert in conspiracy theories, who had spoken to the BBC back in June 2004: "Should not we expect that the rich and the powerful organize things in their own interests? It is called capitalism!"
(According to
Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Affairs (Turkey)
Kemal Dervis, Administrator, UNDP (Turkey)
Mustafa V. Koc, Chairman, Koc Holding A.S. (Turkey)
Fehmi Koru, Senior Writer, Yeni Safak (Turkey)
George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece)
Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK)
Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal)
Jose M. Durao Barroso, President, European Commission (Portugal/International)
Franco Bernabe, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe (Italy)
Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France)
Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden)
Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium)
Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS (France)
Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France)
Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain)
Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK)
Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA)
Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge (France)
George A. David, Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. (USA)
Anders Eldrup, President, DONG A/S (Denmark)
John Elkann, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A (Italy)
Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research (USA)
Timothy F. Geithner, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA)
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal (USA)
Dermot Gleeson, Chairman, AIB Group (Ireland)
Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA)
Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, (the Netherlands)
Jean-Pierre Hansen, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A. (Belgium)
Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations (USA)
Richard C. Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)
Jaap G. Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO (the Netherlands/International)
Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council (USA)
Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)
James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA)
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC (USA)
Anatole Kaletsky, Editor at Large, The Times (UK)
John Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Netherlands)
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates (USA)
Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)
Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (USA)
Marie-Josee Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. (USA)
Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission (the Netherlands/International)
Ed Kronenburg, Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters (International)
William J. Luti, Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council (USA)
Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (USA)
Frank McKenna, Ambassador to the US, member Carlyle Group (Canada)
Thierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for International Relations (France)
Mario Monti, President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)
Craig J. Mundie, Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation (USA)
Egil Myklebust, Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA (Norway)
Matthias Nass, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit (Germany)
Adnrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform (Poland)
Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland)
George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK)
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Minister of Finance (Italy)
Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA)
Heather Reisman, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Canada)
David Rockefeller (USA)
Matias Rodriguez Inciarte, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander Bank, (Spain)
Dennis B. Ross, Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (USA)
Otto Schily, Former Minister of Interior Affairs (Germany)
Jurgen E. Schrempp, Former Chairman of the Board of management, DaimlerChrysler AG (Germany)
Toger Seidenfaden, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken (Denmark)
Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (Ireland)
Giulio Tremonti, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies (Italy)
Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank (France/International)
John Vinocur, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune (USA)
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden)
Martin H. Wolf, Associate Editor, The Financial Times (UK)
James D. Wolfensohn, Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement (USA)
Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State (USA)
Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of management, Deutsche Post AG (USA)
Adrian D. Wooldridge, Foreign Correspondent, The Economist
LOAD-DATE: May 31, 2007
PS: sorry voor het verkloten van je blog, en een fijn weekend, Billy!
B.theKid zei:
Eric Hufschmid is een holocaust-ontkenner, Christopher Bollyn een man met neonazi-sympathieën en Christopher Jon Bjerknes beweert dat Joden Hitler in het zadel hebben geholpen.
Billy, kun je me even helpen met wat betrouwbare links? Ik vind je opmerkingen belangrijk genoeg voor enige navraag. Welke informatie heeft jou overtuigd?
Frank Ho
Frank, je gaat me nou toch niet vertellen dat je de achtergronden van deze heren niet kent? Of neem jij die Hufschmid en Bollyn soms echt serieus als 9/11 bronnen?
Hufschmid en Bollyn zijn voorbeelden van mensen voor wie 9/11 gewoon een politiek statement is. Ze hebben iets tegen Israel. Alleen al om die reden moet je hun belangstelling voor 9/11 wantrouwen. Ze staan er niet objectief tegenover.
En over die affaire met Bollyn die nu speelt: "Authorities said Bollyn was arrested after he pointed his finger in the face of one of the officers and turned to go inside his house, telling them that he was "going to get my reinforcements." Police said at the time that officers handcuffed Bollyn and used a stun gun to subdue him because they feared he was going to get a weapon."
Nieuwe Nazi hoffotograaf Eric Krebbers wordt betaald door de adl hoe kan dat nou?
even een testje.
en nog een klein testje
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