donderdag, oktober 12, 2006

Toeval bestaat niet

Het vliegtuigje dat woensdag in een torengebouw in New York is gecrasht, riep meteen herinneringen op aan de aanslagen van 11 september 2001. Maar als je de complotdenkers mag geloven is het allemaal geen toeval.

Want als je 10/11/06 omdraait krijg je namelijk 9/11/01. En in welk gebouw vloog het vliegtuigje? 524 E 72nd St. Even rekenen: 7 + 2 = 9. En 5 + 2 + 4 = 11. En hoe wist de FBI dat Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle in het vliegtuigje zat? Zijn paspoort dwarrelde naar beneden, net als dat van Satam al-Suqtami bij het WTC. En als het Cirrus SR20 vliegtuig in de problemen zat, waarom is de aanwezige noodparachute niet uitgegooid?

Een complotdenker: "En...wie had er putopties op de NYY ? ‘t Gebouw was in ieder geval niet van Silverstein. Anders was ‘t ingestort. Oh nee opgeblazen."

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At 12:42 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ik zie helemaal geen gat in dat gebouw, alleen een paar brandjes! Volgens het officiele verhaal van de overheid zou er een vliegtuig in gecrasht zijn, maar waar zijn de resten dan? Cockpit.. tailsection... catch my drift? Ja een paar stukjes aluminium, die kunnen net zo goed neergelegd zijn! En dan de getuigenverklaringen: "Richard Drutman was talking on the telephone when he felt his apartment building shake. Then he heard the explosion. Diane Tarantini was sitting in a courtyard across the street in the wealthy Manhattan neighborhood when she heard a loud boom." Need i say more?

At 1:46 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

FACT: A "single engine plane" COULD NOT crash into an apartment building and merely knock out a few windows.

FACT: The fires burning in the building COULD NOT have been caused by the mere ignition of aircraft fuel. The plane in question was too small to carry enough feul to start such a large fire.

FACT: CIA/Mossad have been known to plant pyrotechnic devices in their past. Could they have planted firebombs in the precise apartment the plane hit? It seems likely.

FACT: It is possible to steer a plane by remote control -- especially a small one.

FACT: Someone notes that Yankees pitcher Cory Lidel's passport was "found" on the street near the crash -- just like Mohammad Atta's passport was found in the 9/11 "wreckage."

FACT: The Upper East Side is known to be largely Jewish. And yet no one was home when the plane struck the apartments. Why did the Jews choose to go to work that day? Were they warned by Mossad/PNAC/William Kristol that they should go to work as usual, rather than staying home?

FACT: The Yankees were just eliminated from AL playoffs, making Cory Lidel "conveniently" available to "pilot" a "plane."

FACT: It is well known the Yankees are the most lavishly-funded sports team in the world (largely through Jewish money), and can win the World Series whenever they really want to.

FACT: George Steinbrenner. Steinbrenner. Enough said.

FACT: It is also well known that all aircraft disasters are caused by brown people. Cory Lidel is not brown. He's not even off-white. Why the "rush to judgment" to pin this on Cory Lidel, a non-brown person in perfect standing, when there are literally millions of brown persons whose whereabouts cannot be ascertained for the period in question?

FACT: Initial "eyewitness" reports displayed great disagreement. Some insisted it was a "helicopter" that "crashed" into the building; others claimed a "small plane." Why was there so much dispute on such a readily-ascertained fact? There can be only one answer: Because it was actually a cruise missile fired by an offshore US submarine.

...and the most damning fact of all...

FACT: Absolutely no cameras -- NONE -- captured pictures or videos of this supposed "plane" hitting the apartment building. A small plane travels slow enough to be easily captured by even cheap video cameras. This strongly suggests the "aircraft" which hit the building was travelling too quickly to be captured on film, and again was therefore most likely a cruise missile fired by an offshore US submarine, almost certainly painted with Zionist slogans like "We love money!" and "Ben Gazzara Rocks!"

At 12:35 p.m., Blogger Billythekid said...

Verbeterd: het was niet het paspoort van Atta dat werd gevonden, maar van Satam al-Suqtami. Dat krijg je als je teveel complotsites frequenteert.

At 10:17 a.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Shit....ook hier? Ik krijg een Braad fobie.


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